Wednesday, February 13, 2008

a moment in oops

Dear von Hottie,

For the past three or four months I have had a crush on an older man who in the past has been something of an authority figure in my life. After some flirting, and some drinking I admitted that crush and he admitted his and well... we had what I will refer to as "A moment in time" and now we're not really talking. Above all, this is a friendship that I treasured and now I'm not so sure we even have that. I feel so confused as to what the next step should be.

Help me von Hottie!

Lovelorn in the Plains


Dear Lovelorn,

When von Hottie was shooting her calendar on the Brooklyn Bridge, she thought it would be so pretty if she draped herself all over the dividing traffic line. Unfortunately, the oncoming traffic did not agree and became rather upset with her, especially the joggers and the giant unicyclists. So von Hottie said, "Oops!," laughed it off and moved on.

And that's exactly what you should do. Contact your friend, laugh about your "moment in time," chat about what's new in your life, and move on down the road with your friendship. If he doesn't follow your lead, leave him by the side of the road. A friend without a sense of humor is no friend at all.


von Hottie

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