Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration Celebration?

Dear von Hottie,

No stranger to throwing a banging party at the drop of a hat, I find myself stumped when it comes to Inauguration day. What is appropriate to do? Stay at home with my loving fiancĂ©, fun-loving roommate and kitties? Go to a bar party? Invite friends over? Invite myself to a friend’s place who I know has food? What to do? It’s a school night so I can’t go WILD but I simply cannot let this historic event go by sober.

Help von Hottie! HELP!

-Johnny Hollywood


Dear Johnny Hollywood,

I'm of the mind that you should go to a bar party. When there's a momentous occasion for the people, it's always best to celebrate with the people. Judging by how riotously happy New Yorkers were on Election Night, I'm hoping that they will be just as happy, and just as much fun on Inauguration Night. So go out! Be with the people! It's not everyday that the candidate you voted for becomes President!


von Hottie

p.s. von Hottie herself has the flu, so she has no definitive plans for Inauguration Night, but she's hoping she makes a full recovery in time to party with the people.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Coming soon!

Hey von Hottlettes!

von Hottie has some fun new things in store for you. Keep your eyes peeled shortly for a brand new blog, more von Hottie pictures, plus a year of von Holidays! All will be revealed soon.

Love, von Hottie.

p.s. Did you all suddenly become well-adjusted? Don't you need advice? Send your questions to

Monday, January 5, 2009

Join von Hottie for a virtual Dance Party

In honor of the new year, please join von Hottie for a virtual dance party.


1) Click here.
2) Stand up (or not).
3) Hit play.
4) Dance like no one's watching.
5) Buy the 2009 von Hottie calendar to celebrate all year long!
Click here to buy.