Friday, December 15, 2006

just say no

Dear von Oracle,

I have a serious problem. I have an ex boyfriend who I can't seem to stay away from. It's like he's crack and I'm addicted! To make it worse lately we've been conversing via telephone a lot and I think I want to get back together with him or at least make him a friend with benefits.

What should I do? Do I need rehab? Help me von Hottie!!!!

--Addicted to crack

Dear Addicted,

Your references to crack make me think that perhaps this was not the healthiest relationship you could have. How long has it been since you and he were together? Perhaps you need to examine the reasons why you feel so compelled to "jump off the wagon," as it were. Is it loneliness, the comfort of and security of sticking with what you know? Are there certain times in your life (i.e. during stress or uncertainty) when you feel more compelled to be with this person? Is the high your get from this relationship really love or is it familiarity, security, and comfort? Or are you just hard up?

One of the hardest things to do is to leave behind someone you love. But sometimes we need to leave certain people behind in order to achieve the healthiest, most prolific and fulfilled lives for ourselves. My dear Addicted, you are a beautiful, wonderful, radiant being. You deserve only the best in life. The path you walk now may be a lonely one, but there are friends to help you on your way. Keep your chin up, your eye on the horizon, your heart pure, and many blessings will come to you.


von Hottie

p.s. I often find that an organic, vegetarian meal before blogging helps to bring out the Buddha within.

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