Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pour some $ugar on me

Dear von Hottie:

I'm torn. I'm close to finally wrapping up grad school and with it, enormous debt. I have a potential source of funding that could ease my financial situation - namely, a sugar daddy candidate. Sugar daddy is about 18 years my senior, not terribly unattractive, and very interested in a relationship with me. Though I know entering a relationship purely for financial freedom is wrong, I can't shake the idea out of my head! What should I do?


$weet Tooth


Dear $weet Tooth,

First of all, congratulations on nearly completing your higher education!

I'm a little confused on the details of your situation. Has Sugar Daddy explicitly offered you money in exchange for a physical relationship? Or are you the irrestistible studmuffin acquaintance of an affluent older man whom you know would "take care of you" financially should you engage in a relationship with him?

In the best case scenario, post-graduate school, you can use your advanced degree to acquire employment which would support the debt you acquired in order to acheive such gainful employment. However, sometimes a Hottie's gotta do what a Hottie's gotta do, especially in today's economic climate and job market.

It's not wrong to engage in a relationship with an affluent partner, but it is wrong to misrepresent yourself, your body, your emotions and your intentions to said affluent partner for material gain. Also, money often represents power in a relationship. I wouldn't want you to get in over your head, or become overly dependent on this alternate income stream. Just because someone gives you money does not mean they own you. After all, you'll most likely leave the town in which you attend school and would have to leave your Sugar Daddy lifestyle behind in order to utilize your degree.

If however, both parties understand the arrangement and are respectful of each other's hearts and minds, go ahead and indulge your sweet tooth. To stay on the safe side of the law (male prostitution is illegal unless you move to Nevada to join Heidi Fleiss's Stud Farm), I would encourage accepting material goods over currency. You can always sell your expensive junk on eBay to obtain the cold cash you need.

Happy job hunting!


von Hottie

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